Special offers

Choose service

Rental of apartments for groups and companies

Cooperation with property owners

Cooperation for commercial purposes

Rental of apartments for groups and companies

Ladies and Gentlemen,
To meet the individual expectations of guests traveling in groups or working in companies, we encourage you to contact us directly in order to receive an individual price offer.
We offer:

– faster check-in procedure
– individual approach
– more favorable price conditions
– a dedicated booking manager

Cooperation with property owners

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you own a property
intended for rent, we invite you to familiarize yourself
with the information below.

Patronus Apartments is trusted by many property owners. We also want to establish cooperation with you
and offer stable terms for renting your property.

Our goal is to ensure maximum security
for the owner of the apartment with a simultaneous profit from the rental of the property he owns.

We provide:

Dzięki powyższym elementom unikną Państwo wielu nieprzyjemnych sytuacji jakie obecnie występują na rynku wynajmu nieruchomości. Nawiązując z nami współpracę zyskują Państwo nie tylko bezpieczeństwo ale również komfort i pewność dochodów z wynajmu nieruchomości.

Cooperation for commercial purposes

In order to support artistic projects, PatronusApartments encourages marketing offices, advertising agencies, and private individuals to contact us in order to use the image of our Apartments for film, television, theater productions, and photo sessions.
